How to Start Blogging and Why?

David Jones
6 min readMay 18, 2021


Starting your blog for the very first time is an amazing experience, yet is a little daunting. Knowing that complete strangers are going to read your post share and comment on is enough to give you the butterflies. I be honest I had no idea what I was going to write about, who would be interested what I had to say. Well the only way you are going to find out is do it and do it now.

Starting a blog is actually hard work. It normally takes me 6 hours to put together a post. I would normally start to think about what I am going to write at leasts midweek before I post my blog on Sundays.

So how do you start blogging and why should you. Well blogging gives you the opportunity to be creative and share your thoughts and ideas on anything you wish to write about. It’s a little like you are the author and publisher of your own magazine. You get to decide what goes into your online magazine and how often you wish to publish it.Your blog is you and you can be anything you want it to be. It’s a great way for you to gain confidence and the more you blog the better you will become. Sooner or later your blog will play a major part of your business interns of getting notices and providing you with quality traffic to your website or affiliate links within the blog post.Blogging today is the current way to market your business to the wider audience and potential customers.

Getting started is actually the easy part. Here are a couple of easy steps to follow.

  1. Select your perfect niche for your blog. Your blog’s niche is the market you will be targeting. Choose a topic you are passionate about. That way you will follow your passion and enjoy the journey, for example: cake making, fashion, photography, travel, DIY, lifestyle, fitness etc etc.
  2. Choose and register your Domain name. Your domain name will be the name by which your will be known as. It’s a unique web address that is personal to you and only you. People who know your domain name can simply type it into their browser’s address bar. Keep your domain name short and simple. Be sure to go for the highly popular “.com” at the end of your domain name.
  3. Get a web hosting account. After choosing your domain name, you will need to choose a reliable hosting service like Bluehost, Interserver. Most hosting companies will provide you with a free domain name for your first year when you purchases their services.
  4. Install Wordpress. Platforms like Wordpress come with many pre-designed free blog themes which you can easily install. They offer templates that you can choose based on your preferred colour scheme and layout. You can get as creative as you like and you will have so much fun in doing so.

Write content and promote your blog. Your content must be informative and provide value to your readers After all you will want them to come back every week and connect with you. It’s about you building a relationship with your readers and this of course will take time and you must continually post to build that trust.

The Benefits of Blogging

It goes without saying that maintaining a blog is a good idea for the health of your business. Have you ever asked yourself Why? Being familiar with how blogs work and how to effectively utilize them for the health and wealth of your business will pay you back substantially for your efforts. Ineffective Blogging will simply waste your time, efforts, and this tremendous marketing tool.

Why does your business need a Blog? Credibility would be a good answer. Posting about news in your industry, links you’d recommend to topics related to your industry or post valuable information from the inside or your personal experiences, your readers will see you not only as a valuable information source but as a community minded business.

Building traffic and list building are two more reasons why your business needs a blog. These tools are Solid, Effective, and Proven Tools for marketing your Goods and Services Online.

Blogs are great for your customers.They’re not seen the same as your basic website or sales page. Postings are usually informal. At times entertaining yet informative. Their accuracy and effectiveness will peak the interest of your readers, establish you as an Expert, and build trust between you and your readers.

Having the ability to offer subscriptions to your blog through sources like Home, your readers can simply opt to receive notices of your most recent postings, delivered directly to their inboxes. Provided your postings remain relevant to your readers wants and needs, they’ll continually come to you first.

If you set up your blog to accept comments, this will give your readers the ability to post feedback on your posts. This will give you valuable insight and ideas regarding your next product or project.

How to build traffic with your blog. Your blog provider may provide potential readers the option of a search box. This tool gives the reader the ability to search for a particular blog using a word or phrase. By using those particular words or phrases in your title you’ll boost your chances for acquiring some targeted traffic.

Don’t forget to submit your blog to the search engines. Also remember, this is “The Information Super Highway”. Blogging is information and the Search Engines Love them. After every post, Simply ‘ping’ your blog, (this announces you to the world)

Doing these simple steps may look a little daunting at first but once you get into it, it soon becomes very simple, and soon enough you will be ready to step into the exciting world of blogging.

Final Thoughts

One of the most important things to remember about running your blog is that a dynamic, effective blogger is always changing the way they work. Readers change, companies change, industries change, customers change — being willing to accommodate those changes and produce relevant content is key to remaining successful in your blogging endeavors! As your blog grows and changes, you will learn more and more through hands on experience. Also, remember to keep your own notes on the lessons you learn from your day to day immersion in the blogging experience. You are often your best teacher!

Hear the voice of your readers and customers and give the people what they want! Through blog comments, emails from readers, and analytic reports, you will learn a great deal about what is working for your business blog and what is not. Hear the feedback that you are given and, most importantly, accept both praise and criticism. Producing written content on a regular basis is a difficult but rewarding task and should be handled as such.

In the meantime, if there is anything further that I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to contact me by clicking here

Wishing you much success with your blogging!

David Jones

CEO, Global Digital Affiliate Marketing



David Jones
David Jones

Written by David Jones

Hi, I am David Jones from the UK. I am CEO of Global Digital Affiliate Marketing and a certified partner of Internet Profits, also a UK based company.

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