Make Affiliate Marketing work for you in 2021
We all live in an uncertain world, but there is one thing we do know that is certain… and that is that times are tough. Tough that is for most of us. Inflation is rising on pretty much all fronts. You’re busting your tail to make ends meet, but just when you think you’re making some head way; Life throws a curve ball at you that strikes you.
It’s happened to me on many occasions as I’m sure to you too. Bills piling up, the cost of necessities is rising and gas and electricity prices continue to fluctuate. You come to a point in your life time that working for a living seems to be well…work, work and more work with very little to show for it.
Take a Deep Breath… Relax … You can earn a living that doesn’t bury you like an avalanche. You can rise up and see the soul-warming sunshine that others have seen.
Take comfort in knowing that there are many of us that are working hard online earning life changing sums of money. I am going to show you how you could achieve your dream life as an online business owner without having any business knowledge and experience.
ANYONE can build an online business in 2021 and beyond WITHOUT creating products, WITHOUT tech skills and even WITHOUT selling anything.
To be clear….this is ideally suited for 2 types of people
1] If you’re already making money online and you’d like a way to quickly add thousands [ if not tens of thousands ] of dollars a week to your income with minimal work
2] If you’re not making any money online yet, don’t have websites, products, an email list and no one even knows who you are YET…I’m going to show you how to from zero to a full time sustainable income faster than ever has been possible before.
But before I get to the good stuff you will need to understand that what I am about to discuss here right now is something that many will not tell you. They simple do not want you to know.
Why? All they are interested in is your hard earned cash and they will sugar coat it in any way they can.
Here are some of the popular statements made by most of the internet frauds and the truth behind them:
Myth-“Make Money Overnight!” — These scams promise you a way of making money while you sleep. They make it sound like there is little work involved to obtaining this.
Truth- While it’s certainly possible to achieve, it will take hard work and much dedication to be able to make this claim. Most online businesses will take a little time to get up and running, but will be worth your effort in the end.
Myth- “Turn your Computer into a Money making cash machine!”- Actually, there are a lot of statements that start off with this kind of sales pitch.
Truth- The statement itself could be true, but be careful of a sales pitch that starts off this way. Most online business opportunities sell the business itself. Scammers tend to sell the money making benefit. Usually, in that case, there really is no business- to you that is. To the scammer they’re making money off people paying them for what they say they will give you.
Myth- “Start your business absolutely free- No money involved!”- They push the fact that you can get a business going with absolutely no money in start -up fees.
Truth-This type of scam will scream the ‘no money involved’ statement, but then turn around and ask you to pay them a certain amount for information on how to get a business started for free. Hmm…. Aren’t they contradicting themselves? There will be some costs to start up a business, but very rarely do they ever break the bank.
Myth- “Start Earning a Living from Typing at Home”- This statement is similar to a lot of others plastered on the internet claiming that you can start a business from home with your typing or in some cases, data entry skills.
Truth- Yes, you can earn money typing or performing data entry from home, but not with guys. You’re better off offering these services to clients yourself and avoid paying the scammers for the information on how to do it. You can find out how to do it with your own research for Free!
There are many more scam opportunities out there, but these will give you some ideas on how those frauds work and who they like to prey upon. Be aware of your options and don’t be afraid to research any opportunity you don’t feel comfortable with.
How Do I Get Started?
The fear of the getting started process tends to make people procrastinate in starting a business of their own. That fear usually boils down to the fact that they just don’t know how to do it, or where to even start. This report will help you with this process, so you can lay your fears to rest and move through the getting started phase with ease.
Let’s start with some commonly asked questions that most newbies have in the getting started process.
“Do I have to have special skills or degrees to start my own business?”
You will need to have some knowledge in the field you’re going to embark in, but it’s not necessary to have any business or college degrees to accomplish starting your own business. Of course, it will depend on the type of business you want to start.
Simple research in the field you’re potential business will be in, will be sufficient enough to give you what you need in most cases. If you’re planning to offer a service like web designing, etc; you should have some skills in that area before trying to start your business.
College degrees and experience are always helpful in gaining expertise in a field, but you usually don’t have to have any degrees to have your own online business. Knowledge has more power online, so reading everything you can get your hands on that deals with your field will more important.
Will it Cost a lot of money?”
Starting your own online business doesn’t generally cost much money. The money you put into it is mostly for a computer, internet access and a website. Any other costs will be based on the type of business you want to get into.
Businesses where you will sell items you’ve created, will take some money to stock the inventory items, but there are great deals on the internet to be found for this purpose. If you plan to sell a service, like web designing, software programs will need to be added to your list of tools to purchase.
For the most part, you won’t have to run to your local bank and beg them to offer you a loan. Find the best deals on the items you need for the business you choose and you won’t have to worry about the interest rates a loan would add to your budget.
“Will I still be able to start my own business online, even if I’ve never run my own business before?”
Absolutely. Hundreds of Internet Marketers have started their own businesses and made a success of it without having any previous business experience. Again, it all adds up to how much time and effort you put into your research.
The internet, itself, holds a plethora of information at your fingertips to help you learn every aspect of the business you want to start. You can find tips, tricks and all sorts of information from people who’ve been there and done it, so utilize this resource to gain the power that knowledge will bring you.
“How much money can I make from an online business?”
This will vary on a lot of factors. What business you start, how much time and effort you put into it and the return of investment on what you’re offering; all play a part in what you will essentially make.
Some internet marketers make a six figure income, while others make the same amount a full time fast food worker generally makes. No matter how much your business brings in, you will still be ahead of those who commute to their jobs. The money they spend on gas, clothes for work and meals etc; is money that goes into your pocket and not someone else’s.
“Do I really need a website?”
A website will be needed to conduct your business from. You will need to sell your products or show potential clients what services you have to offer. It serves as your ‘office’ or ‘store’ would, only you won’t need to rent out expensive space in a building to use for your online business.
Websites are pretty easy to create if you use one of the many website design software programs or website building services. If you choose to, you can also hire a web designer to create a killer site for your business, so don’t let your lack of web designing skills hold you back.
“Do I need special business licenses to run an online business?”
You will want to check with your local government agencies to determine what you will need in your area. Each area is different, so it’s best to check and see what you need before starting your business.
“I’m nervous about taking money from customers. What if I mess up the payment processing system?”
If you’re selling items, you will want to use an online payment system like PayPal or Clickbank. These programs will take of the whole payment process for you including refunds. Shopping cart software a lot of times will come with a web building program, so take advantage of that option.
Types of Legitimate Online Businesses
There are several types of online businesses you can choose from to get started. You will want to check out each option and see which one suits your needs before proceeding. Here are some of the more popular online businesses people get into and what each one entails:
1. Start Your Own Blog
2. Develop Online Courses
3. Cyber Security Consultant
4. Buying And Selling Domains
5. YouTuber/Vlogger
6. Start a Podcast
7. Virtual Assistant
8. Affiliate Marketing
You can find out even more here
But one that I wish to bring you attention to is Affiliate Marketing
If you’re wondering why this information isn’t readily available in all the other “info-products”, it’s because many of the so-called “gurus” or “experts” don’t think people will actually put for the effort. It takes action to fulfill the goal of having a successful affiliate or online business. Many will talk the talk, but few will put forth the real effort to grow something for themselves.
Yet, that is not the whole story. Many “gurus” feel if you are willing to spend your dollars on a digital download, why should they help or tell you what it really takes to start your own network. Your success means you will also be their competition. Very few successful marketers want to reveal everything for fear you will become their competition.
How hard are you willing to work for your family and your future success?
Growing a network of sites, again, takes determined effort and work. It doesn’t take as much as you think, and you really can work at your own pace, but you have to take action.
So now for the really good stuff!
For all those wondering if affiliate marketing is still worth it in 2021, fear not. ✔︎ Prognoses are still in the making, but the affiliate marketing industry is already said to go way beyond $16 billion dollars worth and to skyrocket even further in 2021.
Take Action Now!
My mentor Dean Holland has just released a Brand New 60 minute On-Demand Training webinar for you to register and watch absolute free
It’s entitled “ The Little-Known Way To Make $3,000+ Per Month Online By Borrowing Internet Millionaires Websites”
Click on the above link so you can soak up a whole hour of the good stuff
When you do, here’s some nuggets of gold you can expect to learn…
PART 1: The new way for the little guy to get rich online without creating products or being a well known guru!
PART 2: How to get paid massive $1,000+ commissions giving away weird little items for free!
PART 3: How to get laser targeted traffic for free and turn it into $10,000 before spending any money on ads!
And that’s just for starters… Let’s not forget I out the 2 biggest reasons most affiliates fail online is in the first 12 minutes!
So if you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
And if you REALLY want to have your own online business?
To be your own boss?
To call the shots and live the life you deserve?
So… if you’re serious about doing well online without any of those over-hyped promises and false claims…
And you’d like a new way that’s PROVEN to work for countless others that once struggled…
Go on, take a risk on yourself to get everything you’ve wanted…
The other option is to live with regret, wonder… What if…?
Let’s make it happen for you… TOGETHER with my help
Thanks for sparing the time to read my post.
To Your success
David Jones
CEO, Global Digital Affiliate Marketing